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Preliminary tests

If cheating is suspected, the evaluation stops here. Use the "Cheat" flag to report it. Take this decision calmly, wisely, and please, use this button with caution.


The code must compile with c++ and the flags -Wall -Wextra -Werror
Don't forget this project has to follow the C++98 standard. Thus,
C++11 (and later) functions or containers are NOT expected.

Any of these means you must not grade the exercise in question:

  • A function is implemented in a header file (except for template functions).
  • A Makefile compiles without the required flags and/or another compiler than c++.

Any of these means that you must flag the project with "Forbidden

  • Use of a "C" function (*alloc, *printf, free).
  • Use of a function not allowed in the exercise guidelines.
  • Use of "using namespace <ns_name>" or the "friend" keyword.
  • Use of an external library, or features from versions other than C++98.

Exercise 00: Start with a few functions

This exercise is about writing 3 simple function templates: swap(), min() and max().

Simple types

Refer to the subject for the expected output with simple types, such
as int.

Complex types

Do the functions also work with complex types? (check with the ex00.cpp file in attachment)

Exercise 01: Iter

This exercise is about writing a generic function to iterate through arrays.

Does it work?

Test the code ex01.cpp (in attachments) with the iter of the evaluated student.
If everything went well, it should display:


Exercise 02: Array

This exercise is about writing a class template that behaves like an array. If the inner allocation of the actual array does not come from a use of new[], don't grade this exercise. Ask the evaluated student to prove the class template works with arrays of both simple and complex types before grading the exercise.


Is it possible to create an empty array and an array of a specific size?


Elements must be accessible for reading and writing through the operator[]
(or reading only if the instance is const). Access to an element which is
out of range must throw an std::exception.


Don’t forget to check the flag corresponding to the defense
