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Preliminary tests

If cheating is suspected, the evaluation stops here. Use the "Cheat" flag to report it. Take this decision calmly, wisely, and please, use this button with caution.


The code must compile with c++ and the flags -Wall -Wextra -Werror
Don't forget this project has to follow the C++98 standard. Thus,
C++11 (and later) functions or containers are NOT expected.

Any of these means you must not grade the exercise in question:

  • A function is implemented in a header file (except for template functions).
  • A Makefile compiles without the required flags and/or another compiler than c++.

Any of these means that you must flag the project with "Forbidden

  • Use of a "C" function (*alloc, *printf, free).
  • Use of a function not allowed in the exercise guidelines.
  • Use of "using namespace <ns_name>" or the "friend" keyword.
  • Use of an external library, or features from versions other than C++98.

Exercise 00: Conversion of scalar types

This exercise is about using the static_cast.

Scalar conversion

Did the student create a class with a private constructor, and static
methods ?
Did the student use the static_cast to convert values?
Accept the use of implicit casts for promotion casts only.
Does the program work as required?

Anyway, please don't be too uncompromising towards the exercise's outputs
if the spirit of the exercise is respected.
Even if this exercise is wrong, continue the evaluation process.

Exercise 01: Serialization

This exercise is about using the reinterpret_cast.

Retyping of raw data

Does the program work as required?
Did the student create a class with a private constructor, and static
methods ?
The reinterpret_cast<> should be used twice:

  • First from data* to uintptr_t.
  • Then, from uintptr_t to data*.

And the resulting data struct should be usable.

Exercise 02: Identify real type

This exercise is about using the dynamic_cast.

Real type identification

Does the program work as required?
Check the code. Did the student use the dynamic_cast to identify the real
void identify(Base* p) should check if the cast return is NULL.
void identify(Base& p) should use a try and catch block to check if the cast failed.

(In case you're wondering, the header <typeinfo> must not appear


Don’t forget to check the flag corresponding to the defense
