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Preliminary tests

If cheating is suspected, the evaluation stops here. Use the "Cheat" flag to report it. Take this decision calmly, wisely, and please, use this button with caution.


The code must compile with c++ and the flags -Wall -Wextra -Werror
Don't forget this project has to follow the C++98 standard. Thus,
C++11 (and later) functions or containers are NOT expected.

Any of these means you must not grade the exercise in question:

  • A function is implemented in a header file (except for template functions).
  • A Makefile compiles without the required flags and/or another compiler than c++.

Any of these means that you must flag the project with "Forbidden

  • Use of a "C" function (*alloc, *printf, free).
  • Use of a function not allowed in the exercise guidelines.
  • Use of "using namespace <ns_name>" or the "friend" keyword.
  • Use of an external library, or features from versions other than C++98.

Exercise 00: Polymorphism

As usual, there has to be enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.

First check

There is an Animal class that has one attribute:
One string called type.
You must be able to instantiate and use this class.


They are at least two classes that inherit from Animal: Cat and Dog.
The constructor and destructor outputs must be clear.
Ask the student about constructor and destructor orders.

Easy derived class

The attribute type is set to the appropriate value at creation for
every animal. Cat must have "Cat" and Dog must have "Dog".


Using makeSound() function always called the appropriate makeSound()
function. makeSound() should be virtual! Verify it in the code.
virtual void makeSound() const;
The return value is not important but virtual keyword is mandatory.

There should be an example with a WrongAnimal and WrongCat that don't
use the virtual keyword (see subject).
The WrongCat must output the WrongCat makeSound() only when used as a

Exercise 01: I do not want to set the world on fire

As usual, there has to be enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.

Concrete Animal

There is a new class called Brain.
Cat and Dog have the required private Brain attribute.
The Brain attribute should not be inside the Animal class.
The Brain class has specific outputs upon creation and deletion.

Concrete Brain

The copy a Cat or a Dog should be a deep copy.
Test something like:
Dog basic;
Dog tmp = basic;
If the copy is shallow, tmp and basic will use the same Brain and
the Brain will get deleted with tmp at the end of the scope.
The copy constructor should do a deep copy too.
That's why a clean implementation in orthodox canonical form will
save you from hours of pain.

Destruction chaining

The destructors in Animal must be virtual.
Ask an explanation of what will happen without the virtual keyword over Animal destructor.
Test it.

Assignment and copy

The copy and assignment behaviors of the Cat and Dog are like the
subject requires.
Deep copy means you need to create a new Brain for the Cat or Dog.
Check that the canonical form is really implemented (i.e. no empty
copy assignment operators and so forth). Nothing should be public for no
reason. Moreover, this code is very simple so it needs to be clean!

Exercise 02: Abstract class

As usual, there has to be enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.

Abstract class

There is an Animal class exactly like the one in the subject.
The Animal::makeSound is a pure virtual function.
It should look like : virtual void makeSound() const = 0;
The "= 0" part is mandatory.
You should not be able to instantiate an Animal.
Animal test; //should give you a compile error about the class being abstract

Concrete Animal

Class Cat and Dog are still present and work exactly like in ex01.

Exercise 03: Interface and recap

As usual, there has to be enough tests to prove the program works as expected. If there isn't, do not grade this exercise. If any non-interface class is not in orthodox canonical class form, do not grade this exercise.


There are ICharacter and IMateriaSource interfaces that are exactly like
required in the subject.


The MateriaSource class is present and implements IMateriaSource. The
member functions work as intended.

Concrete Materia

There are concrete Ice and Cure classes that inherit from AMateria. Their
clone() method is correctly implemented. Their outputs are correct.
The AMateria class is still abstract (clone() is a pure function).
virtual ~AMateria() is present.
AMateria contains a protected string attribute to store the type.


The Character class is present and implements ICharacter. It has
an inventory of 4 Materias maximum.
The member functions are implemented as the subject requires.
The copy and assignment of a Character are implemented as required
(deep copy).


Don’t forget to check the flag corresponding to the defense


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